The Dream Exploration is the brainchild of Brooklyn based artist Mélissa Smith.
Mélissa is a theater artist, choreographer and trained clown with a history of devising multi-disciplinary performance pieces that are both beautiful and humorous.
Her fascination with visual art and fashion are behind the Dream Exploration films.
It all started with a photography project that she Art Directed while at Residency with the Barn Arts Collective in rural Maine. The photo is inspired by a recurring dream of the Artist.
A film maker on set got some footage that triggered Mélissa's imagination further.
This lead to several collaborations with talented film makers, make-up artists, musicians and visual artists in Maine and NYC.
As she collected dream imagery for further film projects and examined her own dreams she was inspired to create multiple movement pieces and live performance elements and the Project has continued to grow.
Mélissa is interested in the continual collection of dreams, developing new collaborative relationships and in presenting An Exploration : Dreams to more audiences in more places.