Mélissa Smith
Teaching Artist
Suggested Workshops*
Physical Comedy/ Clown: Get centered to get silly! What happens when you stop relying on words and language and begin relying on extreme physicality? Hint: things get silly!
Not just for the clowns at heart - great for all actors / theater students, this workshop touches on: Developing Characters, Taking Risks, Following your Instincts, Making Bold Choices, Listening on Stage, Clarity of Beats, Commanding the Stage, and more!
+optional performance aspect for longer workshops
Creative Movement (for all levels and abilities): Explore and Investigate different ways of moving the body. How can we tell stories and use movement as metaphor. At what point is movement considered dance?
+optional performance element
Dance as Storytelling (for actors/ movers/ dancers): Think , rather move "outside the box" and collaborate as a group to develop a piece of dance theater on any theme.
Dance Theater Devising / Dream Exploration: Using personal dream imagery from the group and devising techniques the group will explore movement and meaning together to compose an original performance piece.
+this workshop can be done in collaboration with
An Exploration Dreams : Falling / Flying
Team Building (for non actors): Ice Breakers and Silly Games to get a group loose and laughing!
Ensemble Building (for actors): Exercises to develop group mind as well as Physical Explorations aimed to get the ensemble collaborating while moving and thinking as one.
Improv Comedy Games (Great for actors and non-actors alike): Fun games to get you out of your seat and thinking on your feet!
*Workshops can be uniquely tailored to the needs and level of the group.
*Workshop outcomes vary based on length, duration and the students involved.